Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Affiliate Programs to Develop a Network of Sites.

I had bought calling cards online long ago from a site that I found in the depths of Google, but it was not Cloncom. I had never really compared different sites or their rates. I suspect they are all pretty much the same, with the different options that are availble such as the number of minutes per card, per minute charges, conection fees or no connection fees..etc. Many of the calling card companies also have affiliate programs. I had had an affiliate membership, of which I never earned a dime, but did purchase a number of cards...must not have made the monthly quota you need inorder to get a check.
Most recently though, I have been looking at Cloncom, who is reportedly the largest seller of International Phone Cards on the Internet. This could very well be possible, since Cloncom does have an affiliate program and quite an extensive network of sites, which is one of my goals...hence the blog title.
An affiliate program is a pretty cool thing if you think about it. You have a product and you get other people to sell your stuff by giving them a commision. Which if you think about it, that is what a sales person does, works for commissions. Just an affiliate program is way of getting large numbers of people to sell your cards. Generally affiliates can earn more money by selling more products. The programs have a set type of structure, many of which can resemble a pyramid scheme(which are illegal). The pay structure is where the similiarities end. In my opinion, I love affilate programs, and believe if you want to sell your product affiliate programs are a great way to go for all those involved.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Business Idea |

Lizzie had an idea while driving to North Carolina (See Lizzy Bean Blog for the trip weblog. Lizzie's idea was to have a blog for VW buses that we find on line. We then travel the US in search of them, to check them out. Perhaps one day we would actually find one to buy. Of course, we would also need a place to keep it and to work on it. We both owned VW's and know they do take a little work to keep running.
So this blog would be an extension of (to come soon).