Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Body Billboards Business Plan

Body billboards is a growing means of advertising that the average person can partake. This includes:

  • tattoos both permanent and temporary
  • Body ornamentation(jewelry)
  • Clothing (tshirts,bandannas, pants, jackets, hats)

The Plan

  1. Website -simple to start pictures of four sides of head to start with website urls on each of four surfaces. Front, back and sides.
  2. eBay auction -auction dutch auction with starting price of 250, winning bidder will get choice of sides. No adult sites allowed. Will have tattoo for 30 days with option to extend advertisement.

Would like to be able to advertise on the four spots of my head through out the summer months. A spot would be for 30 day intervals. Could also include my travel intenerary in the auction much like an ebay family auction that I have bookmarked.

The head advertisement would only be short-term marketing strategy to get the site name out there, but would need to push that into the background as a non-emphasized service. I am sure the initial novelty of this type of advertisement if it has not worn off already, will wane in popularity.